Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hey, I Have Dreams Too

I've been blogging a lot about the things Mason says lately, but man, that kid is funny. I have a feeling he's going to be quick and witty, just like his mommy.

Lately, when Mason tries to pull that whiny "I waaaannnnnt ________!" stuff I come back with "Well, Mommy wants a pony". Not the most mature response, I'm sure, but the whining is pretty nerve-racking at times, so it's often the first thing that comes out.

This afternoon Mase woke up from his nap all happy and smiley. Dave had been here for the weekend but had left before Mase went to sleep.

Mase: "Where'd Dave go?"
Me: "Dave had to go home, remember?"
Mase: "Oh yeah. [pause] Hey, Mommy... you happy?"
Me: [having the strange feeling I was talking to my future teenage Mason... or a therapist] "Yeah, baby, of course I'm happy. You make me happy, Dave makes me happy... what else could I want?"
Mase: "A pony?"

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