Monday, April 12, 2010

True Mom Confession Part Five

Mason hasn't been sleeping well at all. Maybe it's because we're in the same room and his separation anxiety is in full force. It could be his teeth hurting or that he's too hot or too cold or too tired or not tired enough. I tried him without a night light and then with one, with and without a fan, and with and without a space heater. I tried leaving the window open, closing it, opening the door, closing it.. The truth is, I really have no idea what's working and what isn't because it's truly and completely random. Sometimes he wakes up at 3AM and stays awake for a few hours before finally passing out again. Sometimes he just decides to wake up at 5AM for the day. And naps... what naps?

Point being: we're exhausted. And yesterday was one of Mason's 5AM wakeup days, so by 9:15 he was a wreck. I know, I said I'd never do it. Mason wasn't watching TV until he could ask to watch it, and really, I still believe that. Except yesterday. Yesterday I cracked. But if I had to endure thirty more seconds of whining and clinging I was going to put my head through the television. So I turned it on

and I layed Mason down.

It was called Handy Mandy or some crap like that and it was as bad as I always imagined cartoons in 2010 would be. Fortunately, I only had to indure four minutes of Mandy's adventures.

Trust me, I'm still anti-tv. But I've gotta admit.. sometimes I wish I wasn't. That was way too easy.


Angela said...

He is so sweet, Megan. I feel your pain with sleep/cartoons. Sometimes it's just so easy!

SHAWNY said...

And he looked so adorable doing it.