Friday, April 23, 2010

I Knew I Kept Him Around for a Reason

The other afternoon, while I was getting ready for work, I put Mason on the sink while I got ready. It's really the only way I can do my makeup in peace. It's how I've been getting ready for weeks now... genius. Anyway, he's standing up there, looking in the mirror, brushing his teeth, and splashing in the sink when the following conversation ensues:

Me: Hey Mase, who's that? [while pointing to Mason in the mirror]
Mason: May-May!
Me: Yep! And who's that? [pointing to myself]
Mason: Mama!
Me: Right again, smarty. You're so cute. Who's cute?
Mason: Cute? Mama cute!

Yep. I taught him well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a smart kid.