Friday, July 1, 2011

Absorbent and Yellow and Porous

Oy. I'm so behind on blogging I'm not even sure if I posted these yet. Regardless, they're funny, so I'm sure no one will mind seeing them twice.

In case you ever wondered what happens when you leave a three-year-old in the bathtub alone for thirty seconds while you run to get a towel and put some clothes on - no, it isn't accidental drowning. At least, not with my kid.

My kid jumped out of the tub, somehow managed to get Spongebob out of the crib where he lay minding his own business, and bring him back into the bath... where he apparently was plotting to shave him.

Absorbent? Oh yeah. Spongebob weighed about forty pounds after he was finished with his little swim. The only thing worse than trying to soak up the gallon of water on the floor after our usual bath time is trying to figure out what to do with a forty-pound sponge.

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