Monday, June 13, 2011


I am now about a month behind on posting pictures. Oy. What a mess that's going to be when I finally get to work on it. Two beach trips, a birthday party, one Bland's Park trip, a couple evenings at Blacky, lots of messy ice cream cone faces, and five thousand pictures of Mason playing in the yard.

I have a lot to catch up on.


During my hiatus, I've been taking my first class towards my Master's Degree, applying for the only job I've ever reeeeally wanted, and constantly wondering: when the heck will I stop finding everything this beautiful child does to be the most amazing thing I've ever seen?

Mason's latest? He knows my phone number.

My phone number! It's amazing. And it isn't like I told him my number a million times and made him repeat it over and over again. I started thinking it would be useful if he got lost in Target or something so I told it to him twice - twice! - and he rattles it off like it's his own name. Crazy.

Anyway.. those pictures. I'll post them tomorrow. Promise. In the meantime, here's a sneak peak birthday party picture. :)

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