I hope that, in the days ahead, you make mistakes. Not huge, devastating mistakes. Not mistakes that are going to hurt anyone. Just regular mistakes. Because if you’re making mistakes, that means you are trying new things, pushing yourself, making changes, helping to improve the world... living. It means you’re doing things you’ve never done before and, more importantly, it means you’re doing SOMETHING.
I probably seem so much older to you that you think I know everything, but I don’t. Not even close. There’s so much I just don’t know. Some days I have to make hard choices where I have no idea what the right answer is. But it's okay. And that’s my wish for you... and for myself. We will all make mistakes, whether it’s in work or school or with our families or relationships or kids or just life in general. And when we do, when everything isn’t perfect, I hope that we don’t quit or worry that we aren’t good enough.
Just remember: whatever it is that you’re scared of doing... do it.