Thursday, February 2, 2012

Smarter Than Your Average Hamster

Before we'd even had Hug Lovely for a week, we lost her. And I don't mean "lost her" like, she wasn't under the couch and we couldn't catch her. I mean, I went to work at 5pm, came home in the wee hours, didn't check her cage until 9am. Lost.

I'd been reading every night on the couch cuddled up with Hug Lovely, but I was surprised at how upset I was. I cried over a hamster I'd only known for a week. I lose everything - money, hoodies, my shoes, thousands of tubes of chapstick, my car in every parking lot I park it in - I could go on and on. How I've managed to keep track of Mason for 3.5 years, I'll never know.

Anyway, Hug Lovely was on the lam and I knew we needed to find her before she made her way to the basement or in some random hole in this old place. First, Mase and I tinfoiled every doorway.

Then, we strategically put snacks and vegetables in each room.

Since the rooms were all separated, we'd know what room she was in depending on what food was eaten. Genius. But the best part was our traps:

Unfortunately, Hug Lovely didn't get caught in my awesome trap... the only one who tried to eat the peanut butter was Mason. We went to dinner and came back to find a trail of orange bell pepper leading under the fridge. After an hour trying to lure her out, she was finally apprehended. Bugger. I'm proud to say it's been another week though, and we haven't lost her again. I have a stash of empty Ben and Jerry's containers on hand though, just in case.

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