Tuesday, March 15, 2011


A couple weekends ago Central Pennsylvania was hit with yet another snow storm. Roads were awful, the interstate was shut down, and my stubborn boyfriend insisted on driving home to York. Bored and not wanting to clean up the disaster that was my house, I decided to do what I'd been putting off all winter: take Mase out to play in the snow.

Now, I haven't been putting it off because I'm a meanie. I'd been putting it off because... well, because of a bunch of reasons. I don't like being cold, for one. I didn't feel like shoving Mason's feet into those uncomfortable rubber boots. I didn't want to get my camera wet. Did I mention I hate being cold?

But I did it anyway because I'm hoping this will be our last snowfall for the year and I feel like there's some kind of unwritten Mom Law that says you have to take your kid out to play in the snow.

It took approximately 20 minutes to get Mason dressed and we lasted about 3.5 minutes before we (um, he!) wanted to go inside. Hey, my camera was wet, Mason's feet hurt, and it was cold.

NOW we're ready for Spring.

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