Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Goats and an Embarrassing Target Moment

I don't know how I almost forgot this. At the pumpkin patch, there were these goats. I didn't get a picture of them, but here's one from last year. Same goat, I'm sure.

Anyway, while Mase and I were at the pumpkin patch, we watched that goat for awhile.

Afterward, we went to Target to grab a few things. I'm pushing Mason around in the cart, looking for some combat boots for my other Halloween costume (Marla from Fight Club, in case you're wondering) when Mason starts staring over my shoulder, pointing, and yelling, "goat! gooooooaaaaat! BAHHH!"

Obviously, I have no idea what I'm about to see, but I turn around anyway. Maybe you see where this is going.

I'm sorry if you're reading this and you know this guy. I'm especially sorry if you're reading this and you ARE this guy. But, oh man. It took every ounce of self-control I have not to laugh.

I can't even begin to imagine how red by face was when I turned around and saw him (with Mason STILL yelling). I must have gotten over it though, because I proceeded to follow him around until I could manage to elusively snap his picture in the shampoo aisle.

I can't really blame Mason, either. I can totally see the similarities.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

BAHAHAHA! OMG. That is hilarious!